Unfold App for Android

Open source libraries used by this app:

  • play-services-ads-identifier (ASDKL)

  • okhttp (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Core Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Protocol Buffers [Lite] (BSD_3_Clause)

  • exoplayer-common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • SQLite JDBC (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • asm (Apache 2.0 License, BSD_3_Clause)

  • AndroidX Futures (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android WorkManager Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support fragment (Apache 2.0 License)

  • com.appboy:android-sdk-base ()

  • Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java (Apache 2.0 License)

  • extension-okhttp (Apache 2.0 License)

  • androidx.databinding:viewbinding (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ZXing Core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-perf (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-crashlytics-ndk (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Egloo (MIT)

  • RxJava (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Hamcrest Library (BSD_3_Clause)

  • Android Lifecycle WorkManager Hilt Extension (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle Process (Apache 2.0 License)

  • MockK (Apache 2.0 License)

  • skeletonlayout ()

  • mockwebserver (Apache 2.0 License)

  • junit (MIT)

  • firebase-encoders (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support VectorDrawable (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • uCrop (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Experimental annotation (Apache 2.0 License)

  • RxAndroid (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-analytics (ASDKL)

  • robolectric (MIT)

  • framework (MIT)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Parcelize Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Converter: Gson (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-auth-api-phone (ASDKL)

  • Facebook-Share-Android-SDK (Facebook Platform License)

  • WebView Support Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Shark Graph (Apache 2.0 License)

  • com.github.bolein.better-apk-expansion:zip_file ()

  • ImagePipelineNative (MIT)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Room-Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-inappmessaging (Apache 2.0 License)

  • javax.inject (Apache 2.0 License)

  • transport-runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • LeakCanary for Android - Core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • com.github.castorflex.smoothprogressbar:library ()

  • AnimatedGif (MIT)

  • Support v4 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • protolite-well-known-types (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Google Android Annotations Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • duanhong169/DrawableToolbox (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Gson (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Dagger (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-analytics-ktx (ASDKL)

  • ImagePipeline (MIT)

  • Android Lifecycle LiveData Core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Glide GIF Decoder Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-firestore (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Interpolators (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-measurement (ASDKL)

  • Support Local Broadcast Manager (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ImagePipelineBase (MIT)

  • Android DataStore (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-context (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Coordinator Layout (Apache 2.0 License)

  • LiveData Core Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support SQLite - Framework Implementation (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Dagger Lint Rules AAR Distribution (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android DataStore Core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support media compat (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ssp (MIT)

  • kotlinx.html (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Kotlin Stdlib Jdk7 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • kotlinx-coroutines-core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Java MockK DSL (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Kotlin Stdlib Jdk8 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-stub (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Transition Support Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-common-ktx (Apache 2.0 License)

  • error-prone annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Core-Testing (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-abt (Apache 2.0 License)

  • com.snapchat.kit.sdk:creative (Snap Kit License)

  • Shimmer (BSD_2_Clause)

  • AutoValue Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Objenesis (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Retrofit (Apache 2.0 License)

  • transport-api (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-safetynet (ASDKL)

  • LeakCanary (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ICU4J (ICU)

  • exoplayer-ui (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Kotlin Stdlib (Apache 2.0 License)

  • LeakCanary Object Watcher for Android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Chucker (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support RecyclerView (Apache 2.0 License)

  • shadowapi (MIT)

  • FirebaseUI Storage (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android WorkManager Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Custom Tabs (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Activity Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • sqlite4java (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-components (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Glide Disk LRU Cache Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Room Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Curtains (Apache 2.0 License)

  • EasyRecyclerViewIndicator (Apache 2.0 License)

  • asm-util (Apache 2.0 License, BSD 3 Clause)

  • SavedState Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • exoplayer-extractor (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support core UI (Apache 2.0 License)

  • MemoryTypeJava (MIT)

  • WebpSupport (MIT)

  • firebase-measurement-connector (ASDKL)

  • OkHttp (Apache 2.0 License)

  • kotlinx-coroutines-android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • SavedState (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-iid-interop (ASDKL)

  • JavaWriter (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Collections Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • annotations (MIT)Support loader (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-storage (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-appcheck-interop (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Hilt Android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Okio (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-auth-interop (ASDKL)

  • CameraView (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AnimatedDrawable (MIT)

  • play-services-stats (ASDKL)

  • RoundedImageView (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Hilt Android Testing (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Hamcrest (BSD 3 Clause)

  • Fresco (MIT)

  • Support Document File (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Bouncy Castle Provider (Bouncy Castle Licence)

  • firebase-installations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • sdp (MIT)

  • JetBrains Java Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Kotlin Android Extensions Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Tracing (Apache 2.0 License)

  • MockK common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AppsFlyer OAID (MIT)Support Async Layout Inflater (Apache 2.0 License)

  • exoplayer-hls (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • LiveData Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android AppCompat Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ORMLite JDBC (ISC)

  • AssertJ fluent assertions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Arch-Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Sliding Pane Layout (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Palette Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • FindBugs-jsr305 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • NativeImageFilters (MIT)

  • utils (MIT)

  • Hamcrest Core (BSD 3 Clause)

  • Android ConstraintLayout Solver (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Hilt Core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Multi-Dex Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-installations-interop (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ORMLite Core (ISC)

  • Support core utils (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle ViewModel Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • asm-tree (Apache 2.0 License, BSD 3 Clause)

  • OkHttp (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Squareup Wire (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Sandbox (MIT)

  • javax.annotation API (CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception)

  • LeakCanary Object Watcher (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support ExifInterface (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Room-Common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • billing (ASDKL)

  • AnimatedWebp (MIT)

  • resources (MIT)

  • AppsFlyerSDK (Proprietary)

  • Kotlin Stdlib Common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Glide (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Activity (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-database-collection (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle ViewModel with SavedState (Apache 2.0 License)

  • pluginapi (MIT)

  • JUnit (EPL 1.0)

  • play-services-measurement-impl (ASDKL)

  • Fragment Kotlin Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-cloud-messaging (ASDKL)

  • firebase-perf-ktx (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Animal Sniffer Annotations (MIT)

  • Support Cursor Adapter (Apache 2.0 License)

  • MemoryTypeNative (MIT)

  • play-services-oss-licenses (ASDKL)

  • Support Custom View (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-auth (ASDKL)

  • firebase-config-ktx (Apache 2.0 License)

  • okhttp-logging-interceptor (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-inappmessaging-display (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android DB (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Custom View (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support View Pager (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-base (ASDKL)

  • ViewTooltip (Apache 2.0 License)

  • J2ObjC Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Timber (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Arch-Common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • com.snapchat.kit.sdk:core (Snap Kit License)

  • Android Lifecycle ViewModel (Apache 2.0 License)

  • android-gif-drawable (MIT)

  • firebase-core (ASDKL)

  • jsoup Java HTML Parser (MIT)

  • VersionedParcelable (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Lottie (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Test Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Shark Log (Apache 2.0 License)

  • exoplayer-core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Facebook Core (MIT)

  • MemoryTypesAshmem (MIT)

  • AppAuth for Android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • AndroidX Hilt Extension Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-config (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-datatransport (Apache 2.0 License)

  • SLF4J API Module (MIT)

  • com.android.installreferrer:installreferrer (ASDKL)

  • reflector (MIT)

  • Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures (Apache 2.0 License)

  • kotlinx-coroutines-test (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Drawee (MIT)

  • Android Lifecycle-Common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Facebook-Core-Android-SDK (Facebook Platform License)

  • Support Drawer Layout (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Poly2Tri Core (BSD 3 Clause)

  • reactive-streams (CC0 1.0)

  • play-services-measurement-sdk (ASDKL)

  • Support collections (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-api (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android App Startup Runtime (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Guava ListenableFuture only (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Palette v7 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • ORMLite Android (ISC)

  • Checker Qual (MIT)

  • play-services-measurement-sdk-api (ASDKL)

  • firebase-messaging (ASDKL)

  • NativeImageTranscoder (MIT)

  • kotlinx-coroutines-core (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Glide Annotations (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android ConstraintLayout (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Accessibility Test Framework (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Confetti (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-crashlytics (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support Print (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Shark (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle Service (Apache 2.0 License)

  • LeakCanary Android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Chucker (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support CardView v7 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • firebase-encoders-json (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-basement (ASDKL)

  • Shark for Android heaps (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Hamcrest Integration (BSD 3 Clause)

  • Support AnimatedVectorDrawable (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle LiveData (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Relinker (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Shark Hprof (Apache 2.0 License)

  • perfmark:perfmark-api (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Support compat (Apache 2.0 License)

  • asm-analysis (Apache 2.0 License, BSD 3 Clause)

  • ImagePipeline-OkHttp 3 Integration (MIT)

  • kotlinx.html (Apache 2.0 License)

  • maven-dependency-resolver (MIT)

  • com.bytedance.ies.ugc.aweme:open-sdk (MIT)

  • Android Resources Library (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Giphy UI SDK (MPL 2.0)

  • play-services-measurement-base (ASDKL)

  • Support DynamicAnimation (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle-Common for Java 8 Language (Apache 2.0 License)

  • com.google.firebase:firebase-bom (Apache 2.0 License)

  • io.grpc:grpc-okhttp (Apache 2.0 License)

  • LeakCanary Android Utils (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Android Lifecycle Extensions (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Material Components for Android (Apache 2.0 License)

  • Facebook-Common-Android-SDK (Facebook Platform License)

  • AnimatedBase (MIT)

  • mockito-core (MIT)

  • AndroidX Widget ViewPager2 (Apache 2.0 License)

  • asm-commons (Apache 2.0 License, BSD 3 Clause)

  • play-services-measurement-api (ASDKL)

  • transport-backend-cct (Apache 2.0 License)

  • MockK DSL common (Apache 2.0 License)

  • play-services-tasks (ASDKL)

Open source font licenses used by this app:

  • Amiri (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Corben (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Montserrat (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Playfair (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Subtitle (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Pilowlava 3D (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)