Unfold App for iOS

Open source libraries used by this app:

  • Alamofire (MIT License, Copyright © 2014-2021 Alamofire Software Foundation)

  • Appboy-iOS-SDK (Copyright © 2019 Braze, Inc.)

  • AppsFlyerFramework (Copyright 2018 AppsFlyer Ltd.)

  • ASN1Swift (BSD-3-Clause License. Copyright © 2020-Present, Pavel Tikhonenko)

  • Device (MIT License, Copyright © 2015 Lucas Ortis)

  • Firebase (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseABTesting (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseAnalytics (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseAuth (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseCore (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseCoreDiagnostics (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseCrashlytics (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseDatabase (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseInstallations (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseMessaging (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebasePerformance (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseRemoteConfig (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • FirebaseStorage (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • GoogleAppMeasurement (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • GoogleDataTransport (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • GoogleUtilities (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • GTMSessionFetcher (Apache License 2.0, Copyright 2021 Google)

  • Html (MIT License, Copyright © 2019 Point-Free, Inc.)

  • IHKeyboardAvoiding (The MIT License, Copyright © 2013 Fraser Scott-Morrison)

  • KeychainAccess (The MIT License, Copyright © 2014 kishikawa katsumi)

  • Kingfisher (The MIT License, Copyright © 2019 Wei Wang)

  • leveldb-library (BSD-3-Clause License, Copyright © 2011 The LevelDB Authors)

  • libwebp (Copyright © 2010, Google Inc)

  • lottie-ios (Apache License 2.0)

  • MetalPetal (The MIT License, Copyright © 2017 Yu Ao)

  • nanopb (Zlib License, Copyright © 2011 Petteri Aimonen)

  • NextLevelSessionExporter (The MIT License, Copyright © 2016-present patrick piemonte)

  • Nimble (Apache License 2.0)

  • NVActivityIndicatorView (The MIT License, Copyright © 2016 Vinh Nguyen)

  • OHHTTPStubs (The MIT License, Copyright © 2012 Olivier Halligon)

  • PocketSVG (The MIT License, Copyright © Ponderwell, Ariel Elkin, Fjölnir Ásgeirsson, and Contributors)

  • PromisesObjC (Apache License 2.0)

  • PromisesSwift (Apache License 2.0)

  • Quick (Apache License 2.0)

  • R.swift (The MIT License, Copyright © 2014-2020 Mathijs Kadijk)

  • R.swift.Library (The MIT License, Copyright © 2015 Mathijs Kadijk)

  • SDWebImage (The MIT License, Copyright © 2009-2020 Olivier Poitrey rs@dailymotion.com)

  • SnapKit (The MIT License, Copyright © 2011-Present SnapKit Team)

  • SnapshotTesting (The MIT License, Copyright © 2019 Point-Free, Inc.)

  • SnapshotTesting-Nimble (The MIT License, Copyright © 2018 DJ Mitchell)

  • SVProgressHUD (The MIT License, Copyright © 2011-2018 Sam Vermette, Tobias Tiemerding and contributors.)

  • SwiftLint (The MIT License, Copyright © 2020 Realm Inc.)

  • TikTokOpenSDK (The MIT License, Copyright 2020 bytedance.com. All rights reserved.)

  • TPInAppReceipt (The MIT License, Copyright © 2016-present Pavel Tikhoneko)

  • XLPagerTabStrip (The MIT License, Copyright © 2019 Xmartlabs SRL)

  • ZIPFoundation (The MIT License, Copyright © 2017 Thomas Zoechling)

Open source font licenses used by this app:

  • Amiri (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Corben (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Montserrat (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Playfair (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Subtitle (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)

  • Pilowlava 3D (SIL Open Font License version 1.1)